BBQ Pitmasters Season 7

Season 7 of BBQ Pitmasters debuted in May, and we’re now around the halfway point in the season which has allowed us to see some pretty impressive recipes and new ways of going about classic barbecue favorites. For any
BBQ enthusiast, this is one program that allows you to sit back in your own living room and see the masters at work, as you pick up little tips, tricks, and hints from those competing no matter what type of barbecue you think will suit your tastes best!
Season 7 has seen some pretty interesting techniques and recipes as the episodes have gone on, and the one that we found really interesting at BBQ Bros was the all-star competition from episode 5 featuring both brisket and venison. The three all-stars were all competing against one another for the very first time, which made things interesting as we’ve never witnessed their techniques put up against one another, and they were tasked with cooking a classic barbecue staple, with brisket, as well as a meat that you’re not like to find in stores with venison. While the preparation of venison may seem similar to a typical steak, it’s actually quite a bit more fickle and interesting to see worked with.
Venison is deer meat, and because deer are so lean, it is imperative not to overcook venison and to infuse it with the correct flavors. While the taste is somewhat similar to steak, things can go very poorly when it is prepared incorrectly, and we found it quite exciting to see the three pitmasters work with this type of fare as we gathered a few ideas for ourselves!
Like past seasons, this season of BBQ Pitmasters is shaping up to be an exciting one, and one that we feel is a “must watch” for all of today’s BBQ enthusiasts. While we loved the venison challenge, what techniques, recipes, or styles of BBQ caught your attention?
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